We have implemented a Sponsorship for our families. We are so thrilled that these precious families are touching hearts as our Sponsors touch their hearts and lives.
For $35 a month, these families can use this money to make life a little easier. Every penny goes straight to the family to use for food, schools fees, and other needs. We will share personal information with the sponsors, photos, updates, and more. We encourage our sponsors and sponsees to develop a relationship. Already our sponsors are sending videos of introduction and encouragement. Once a month our sponsees gather with us and we hand the envelope to them. We have been taking little videos of the families for their sponsors too.
In addition to our sponsors, we help our families when unexpected costs come up. For example, in just the last few weeks, we paid two hospital bills.
We have supporters that send money intended for food to give to all our families, regardless of sponsorship. We have a supporter who ministers to the children of our choir and dance team by providing regular food distribution.
We give God all the glory and honor for being so very faithful to our ministry. We are so excited to see how God moves through us in the future.
Before you leave, you can swing by our Sponsor page.